Diamond X guest Ranch

So we headed up to the Diamond X Guest Ranch in Wyoming where all 48 of us spent a week! we sure were crowded in the house but we had a blast playing in the snow, talking, eating and just Celebrating. Great memories were made and Barigit loved playing with her 28 cousins! Here are just a few of my favorite photos of the week

To see even more pictures-- Visit my Facebook site!!!


Unknown said…
Hey Lisa! It's Becca Abel. I stumbled upon your blog when you added me to your facebook and I bookmarked the site. I'm trying to get myself more into the blogging circuit rather than facebooking.

Barigit looks so grown up! I hope you all are doing well.

p.s. to comment back and see my blog go to rebeccajabel.blogspot.com (I have like 5 blogs linked on my profile.)

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